For this Bingham's Update, I wanted to take a moment to clarify the abilities of Mortimer Vanterpool. While this may not be the most groundbreaking post for Midas Files fans, articulating his powers helps me gain a deeper understanding of them, which will allow me to utilize them more effectively in the future. So, let's dive into the intricacies of Mortimer Vanterpool.
When we first encounter the alien disguised as a human, Mortimer Vanterpool, in the opening chapter of The Midas Protocol: Midas Files Book One, he is depicted as "slim, fit, and clad from head to toe in jet-black attire." He sports a body-hugging thermal shirt, dark cargo pants, and a polished pair of black ankle boots, laces neatly secured. Meticulously groomed and finely tuned, Vanterpool wields a stainless steel fireman's axe. His pale blue eyes stand out, complemented by a confident, cocky smile.
If I had to choose an actor to portray Mortimer Vanterpool, my alien henchman in the Midas Protocol, I envision Daniel Craig—famous for his role as James Bond—as the perfect fit. He was the inspiration behind the character when I wrote him. A friend who read the book imagined someone in the vein of Paul Newman, which is a close match in my opinion.
So with that visual in mind, let's talk about his remarkable non-human abilities and skills:
He displays remarkable strength, effortlessly wielding an ax with one hand. Additionally, his extraordinary power is suggested when Vanterpool is heard lifting a bedroom dresser and hurling it against a wall in the Bingham Mansion. This feat was witnessed by his partner, Johnny Rocco, who waited on the floor below for Vanterpool to finish his task with the Binghams.
He moves with such stealth that his footfalls are nearly inaudible. This remarkable ability creates an aura around him, silencing sounds in a localized area. A striking example of this occurs when he accidentally drops a glass-framed picture in the Bingham Mansion, yet it produces no sound. Essentially, this ability functions as an aura he can summon whenever necessary.
In an instant, he can seemingly vanish, as demonstrated when Johnny Rocco turns around in the Bingham Mansion and finds his partner missing. Just as quickly, he appears without a sound.
The origin of this idea remains a mystery, but in the opening chapter of The Midas Protocol, Vanterpool consumes the Bingham family's heads, declaring, "All of his thoughts shall belong to me. I will soon know the location of his Cube of Aurelia." Just before indulging, he taunts, "Are you ready to share your secrets?" This suggests an implied ability to absorb the knowledge of those he devours. It's unclear whether this constitutes a true power or not.
Before Johnny Rocco could fire at Vanterpool in the opening chapter, Vanterpool slices through the air with his hand, unleashing a "surging, twisting plane of blue energy from his open palm." This evokes the image of Sith lightning from the Star Wars universe. Upon being struck by the blast, Johnny experiences the energy surge expand, cleaving the Bingham House in two and obliterating trees outside the Bingham property. It's certainly a colossal energy blast. It's worth noting that while Johnny screamed, no sound escaped him, trapped in the silent aura of Vanterpool's power.
The strange part came after Johnny was sheared in half; his body appeared to be frozen in time, leaving him paralyzed in that fleeting moment before death. He was acutely aware of his body being split, trapped in a temporal stasis.
Vanterpool closed his eyes, and his body rose effortlessly off the floor as he directed his gaze toward the outside of the Bingham Mansion. A car hovered within the house, appearing as light as a feather. With focused concentration, he made the trunk open, and the Gold Box floated into his hands.
Upon touching the Gold Box, a brilliant golden light fills his eyes. His physique expands, becoming larger and more muscular. His skull elongates, and his body becomes adorned with pulsating golden tattoos that glow with energy.
All of this unfolds in the opening chapter of the Midas Files, but as the story progresses, we discover additional abilities.
In a scene from the Midas Protocol, Hank observes Addison alongside a group of businesspeople, including Mortimer Vanterpool, as they ascend an escalator. Vanterpool suddenly turns around, almost as if sensing that he is being watched.
In a scene set at Three Rivers Stadium, Vanterpool insults Hank Raglan through mental telepathy, but Hank brushes it off. Later, in Kuwait City, Vanterpool attempts to invade Hank's mind once more. This time, however, Hank successfully pushes back against the mental intrusion, which impresses Vanterpool and illustrates Hank's remarkable mental resilience.
At this point, we have encountered most, if not all, of his remarkable special powers, showcasing his extraordinary abilities throughout the story. However, it's important to pause and consider that there could be a few more surprises waiting for us in the series as a whole. Future climactic moments may reveal additional powers or depths to his character that I haven't yet explored.
Vanterpool possesses the remarkable ability to communicate flawlessly in any human language. This talent is particularly evident when he speaks impeccable Arabic over a walkie-talkie to his operatives.
In a striking scene set in Kuwait City, Vanterpool's fist clenches with crackling blue energy as he leaps from a towering building, at least four or five stories high. How high can he jump or drop? I am not sure. Will this come into play in future books. I am sure it will.
Most of Mortimer Vanterpool's powers are clearly showcased during his climactic battle with B'yob Oberon at the end of The Midas Protocol. In this intense showdown, he hurls cars at B'yob and unleashes powerful energy blasts. Their struggle is so fierce that they grapple and demolish buildings like Marvel superheroes.
Now, the intriguing challenge lies in discovering how these abilities will manifest in Call of the Minotaur and the final book of the series (yet to be titled). How will these abilities all play out? Truth be told, I will be just as surprised as you will be, because I have not written that part yet. Rest assured, I am working on it, but when I have it all figured out, you will not have a blue fist of energy in your hand but you very well might have blue covered Call of The Minotaur Book in your hand.
Dive into the heart-pounding world of "The Midas Protocol: Midas Files Book One" by Matt De Reno, where quantum mysteries intertwine with human ambition.
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