Cool Filmz

Prepare for the ultimate reviews of thrillers, sci-fi epics, and westerns with unforgettable leads. From timeless classics to epic franchises, we delve into the best of these genres. Whether you're into suspenseful thrillers, futuristic sci-fi, or gritty westerns, we've got you covered. Stay tuned for the latest film news, insightful critiques, and all the cinematic vibes you love.


Cool Filmz: I am watching Star Wars in Machete Order and It Changes Everything

I still remember sitting in that dark movie theater in the summer of '77, clutching my popcorn as the words "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." appeared on the screen. Boom! Star Wars .
Obi Wan Kenobi negotiating for a ride on the Millennium Falcon. .

Cool Filmz: Did Obi Wan Use the Jedi Mind Trick on Han Solo in A New Hope?

Rewatching the Star Wars saga can be a revelation. When you revisit these classics, especially in something like machete order, you start noticing details that flew past you the first (or tenth) time.
Darth Vader Image.

Cool Filmz: Give Palpatine Credit: Darth Vader’s Suit Is The Ultimate Employer "Reasonable Accommodation"

Reasonable accommodations in the workplace have always been a hot topic—one that, in our galaxy, is usually more about standing desks and flexible schedules than menacing black armor and a modulated James Earl Jones voice.
Da Vinci Code Scene

Cool Filmz: Revisiting A Review of DaVinci Code Starring Tom Hanks

It’s wild what you can find when you’re digging through your old files. The other day, I stumbled across a review I wrote years ago for "The DaVinci Code," starring none other than Tom Hanks.


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